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Photo Advice

The Ideal Pet Photograph

I really can’t stress enough how important it is to have a clear photograph of your pet for me to work from. It is vital, as I have never met your pet and I really need to be able to see the eyes clearly and get the feel for the character of your pet. The eyes are the window to the soul.


I need a photograph that is clear, up close (fill the view finder with your pet, not your house or garden!) and is of a pose that is typical of your pet. To achieve this, the following guide helps you get the best photos.

Piper - Client Photo - Pet Portraits By VictoriaElizabethArt - Victoria Elizabeth Art -

Pet Photo Lighting

The best possible lighting is achieved outside or by a window in a naturally lit room. A bright overcast day is best. No sunshine. Sunshine will make your pet squint and not show the true eye colour. When outside, stand with your back to where the sun would be behind the clouds and have your pet facing you. This gives the maximum natural light to your pet. This is particularly important for pets that are black or white. If the lighting is too strong the camera can’t cope with these colours and there will be areas on the face that are dark with no detail. The same with white pets, they will show bleached out.


If you have to take a photograph of your pet indoors, usually this is the case with cats as they are hard to capture outside!!!. Then take the photograph in a naturally lit room. Stand with your back to the window and have your cat or dog face you. This will give maximum light on them.

Misty - Client  Photo.jpeg
Arnie - Client Photo.jpeg
Black Manchester Terrier - Client Photo.jpeg

Dog Photos

The best position for your dog is to have them sitting up, with you at the same level. Avoid taking photos from above, as this angle can be unflattering and make your dog look up at you, resulting in an awkward perspective. If necessary, lay down to achieve the right angle. It's helpful to have someone next to you, at your shoulder level, holding a favorite toy or treat to capture your dog's interest. They should hold the treat by your ear to get the dog to pose perfectly. This angle is more flattering than a face-on or completely side view.

Cat Photos

Cat Portraits By VictoriaElizabethArt - VictoriaElizabeth_art - Victoria Elizabeth Art - www.VictoriaElizabeth.Art
Cat Portraits By VictoriaElizabethArt - VictoriaElizabeth_art - Victoria Elizabeth Art - www.VictoriaElizabeth.Art

Cats can be difficult to photograph! If you can get a photo of them outside, that is preferable. If it is a head study cat portrait you would like, then to make it easier you can get someone to hold the cat in their arms, making sure they don’t have their hands near the cats neck. If you would like a full body cat portrait and can’t take photos outside, then indoors in a bright room near the window is best. Have your back to the window and the cat facing you. I know cats love laying in the sun but no sunshine is preferable. The photos shown have the ideal lighting and clarity that I need to create your stunning cat portrait.

Megan - Grand Bassett Griffon Vedeem- Pet Portrait by Victoria Elizabeth at VictoriaElizab

Memorial Pet Portraits

For memorial portraits, I understand that choosing the right image can be very difficult. If you can send me a variety of photos, we will work together to create the perfect pet portrait. I can combine multiple photos to capture the desired details and will provide you with as many work-in-progress updates as needed to ensure the detail and personality of your pet are accurately represented.

Cat Portraits By VictoriaElizabethArt - VictoriaElizabeth_art - Victoria Elizabeth Art - www.VictoriaElizabeth.Art

Final Photo

The final quality of your pet portrait largely depends on the photos you provide. It's essential that the photos are in focus, with your pet prominently featured and ideally looking at the camera. This helps me capture key details such as the eyes, nose, ears, and whiskers. Additionally, you can send extra images to ensure accurate coloring and other important details.

Millie - Client Photo - Pet Portraits By VictoriaElizabethArt - - Victoria Elizabeth Art -

Artists Tip

I believe these suggestions will help you capture the ideal photos for me to work with. To do justice to your pet's portrait, it's important to get the best possible photos, and your patience in obtaining those beautiful photos will pay off.

To avoid photos of your pet looking bored, take multiple shots over a few days. Smartphone cameras are excellent for pet photography, so there's no need for professional equipment.

I look forward to hearing from you and creating a portrait of your beloved pet. You can reach me through my contact page. My portraits make wonderful gifts for any animal lover, and I also offer gift certificates for your convenience.

You can reach me through Facebook, Instagram, or by sending an email to I make it a priority to respond to all messages within 24 hours or less.

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